Saturday, 18 May 2013

Week end away in Paris❤❤

Everyone knows that Paris is one of my favourite places ever, had such a nice break away from everything and everyone. Stayed at the cutest apartment which was not far from everything, I have been to Paris a couple of times so it was not my first time visiting the monuments.


Here are a couple of pictures of the monuments I visited
1. Eiffel Tower
2.Padlocks of Love
3.Arc de Triophe
3. Musee de Louvre

I have to say Paris is quite expensive when it comes to shopping visited shops like Zara, Mac everything they have in London really.

The weather was great on Friday even though the weather forecast lied and said it was going to rain, got all protected with a jumper, boots and a jacket by 1pm it got really hot. However, on Saturday I decided to wear less clothes, dolly shoes and it was pouring with rain got drenched but it was worth it in the end.

Paris should be visited it is a MUST! 


Saturday, 4 May 2013

Handbag obsessions for Spring

Just recently purchased a bag from River Island I am absolutely in love with it, it is much bigger than it looks in the picture and its only £55.

Which I think it is such a great price for a luggage bag, i am going to paris for the weekend next month and I did not want to bring a suitcase with so i decided to buy the bag.

It was one of those things where you see it once and you cannot stop thinking about.

I am also in love with another River Island bag which I was going to purchase but it was sold out (saddest day of my life) it was a much darker brown to this one, but River Island have now come out with a new colour pasty pink and white. I prefer this colour because it is warm and cute.

Finally, this Zara bag has been a dream of mine for a while now, I already have a Zara bag but this one has to be my favourite.

❤  ❤