Sunday, 31 March 2013

Make Up|Brushes

My new obsession is make up brushes, just recently purchased new brushes from Super drugs (Drug Store) in the UK for £21. This is just the beginning I have some crazy ideas for make up storage just moved into my new house but when everything is settled I am going to take some time and organise all my make up kits and brushes. 

I buy MAC make up, my skin is really sensitive, I did attempt to try on some new make up but due to my sensitive skin it never works.

I am going to soon upload my everyday make up I use when I get everything together but at the moment before moving to my new house I took a picture of my make up and my brushes. The collection will go as I am overly obsessed with beauty. 

❤  ❤  ❤ 


Hello and welcome to my blog
I have decided to make a blog because I have loads of ideas and I thought it would be great to share it. 
I am still deciding for a Blog name so this is temporary. I Love fashion, Music and everything cute.
Still trying to get used to this whole blogging thing so at the moment I am just messing about and now I no longer have nothing else to write.
